Deacon Nomination
Qualifications for a Deacon
The office of deacon is an office for service to Christ through the church. Any other concept does injustice to the New Testament record (Acts 6 and 1 Timothy 3). It is NOT a position or office to give a person in order to honor him. For a member to qualify for the office of active Deacon in Central Baptist Church, he:
Must have been a member of the church for 1 year.
Shall give evidence of a Spirit-filled life.
Set a high standard of separated Christian living, for example: shall not drink alcoholic beverages, smoke, or attend questionable places of amusement. (1 Timothy 4:12)
Shall be active and faithful to all major areas of church life.
Must be supportive of the overall programs and directions of the church.
Shall believe in and practice tithing.
Shall have compassion for the lost and seek in his living and speech to win them to the Lord Jesus Christ.
If married, the man nor his wife shall have been previously divorced. (1 Timothy 3:11-12)
Must believe the Bible to be the inspired Word of God, without error, the source of authority for precept and practice. (2 Timothy 3:16)
Must rule his children and his own house well. (1 Timothy 3:12)
Shall do all in his power to create and preserve harmony in the church. (Acts 6:13)
Shall be able to keep, and have the reputation for keeping in confidence, those things which should not be discussed with others.(1 Timothy 3:8)
Shall recognize the God-given spiritual leadership that is incumbent upon the office of a pastor and be willing to serve under that leadership and assist him in ministry as needed.
Must support the biblically based principles presented in the Baptist Faith and Message, SBC 2000.
The following men who will remain as Deacons and those rotating off ARE NOT eligible for nomination this year include:
Larry Allen (Rotating Off)
Brian Massey (Rotating Off)
Andrew Watling
Jared Cox
Jacob Roam
Warren Greenwalt
Robert Turner, Sr.